Children’s Ministry – A ministry directed toward children ages 4-12 which includes children’s church where the word of God is instilled through activities of Bible principles and character.
Men’s Ministry – A ministry of the church for the express purpose of ministering to men. The men unite and fellowship to discuss issues relating to spiritual and physical needs. This ministry also has a “Big Brother” program which is dedicated to touching the lives of young boys with the lobe of Christ and being an example of a godly man to them.
Covenant Care – A ministry responsible for the follow-up and care of new converts.
Women’s Ministry – A ministry of the church for the express purpose of ministering to women. The women unite and fellowship to discuss issues relating to spiritual, social, economic and physical needs. This ministry includes a Young Women Image Course (YWIC) program which is dedicated to touching the lives of young ladies with the love of Christ and displaying the virtues and attributes of a godly woman.
Intercessors – Members who are committed to prayer for our leaders, community, church, government and nation that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in Godliness and honesty. Praying without ceasing the divine will of God for the Body of Christ.
New Members Class – A workshop is conducted for all desiring to be members of CFFC-W. It is our purpose that every member is instructed in basic biblical principles of living a successful Christian life, which this workshop offers. Every member must attend the workshop before being eligible for full fledge membership. It is also designed to equip new members with the basic theology of the Bible as well as the vision for the church.
Marriage Ministry – Designed to minister to the need of married couples empowering them with God’s word to be victorious in their homes.
WOW/Women of Wisdom – An elder group of women responsible for aiding in ministering and nurturing the churh. Which includes counseling, administering prayer and encouragement for members. They also assist in serving communion, hospital visitations, home visitations, and are supportive at funerals.
Music Ministry – A band which ministers using various musical instruments which help to usher in the presence of the Lord.
Praise and Worship/Choir – These are the wings along with the music ministry which brings us into the presence of the Lord. To render praise unto the Lord is a calling of the highest order, and one which each of us should take great pleasure in fulfilling.
Gatekeepers Ministry – The purpose of the gatekeeper is to guard and pray and protect the anointing of the ministry gifts as they go forward in the house of God. Gatekeepers according to 2 Chronicles 9, had oversight of the gates of the house of the Lord were chosen ordained and set in office. Gatekeepers must be intercessors and have the vision and spirit of the ministry.
Singles Ministry – Designed to minister to the need of singles empowering them with God’s word to be victorious and proving they can be single, whole and complete in Jesus.
Sound Ministry – Insuring the Word of God goes forth with clarity through the various audio/visual aids used by the church.
Street Ministry – Prayer mobile from Spring to Fall. Members walk the streets and share the gospel of Jesus Christ through prayer and one-on-one fellowship.
CD Ministry – A ministry responsible for producing and maintaining a collection of services for the purposes of spreading the Gospel through CD. They maintain a library of all recorded past sermons and services.
Ministerial Preparatory – A ministry designed for those whom God has called to the five-fold ministry. This is an intensive preparation course that will help you understand your call to ministry, develop spiritual leadership and prepare you for ministry in action.
Youth Ministry – A ministry designed with an objective to reach the youth (ages 13-21). Scriptural teaching, social and recreational activities are a part of this ministry.
Nurse Ministry – A caring and nurturing ministry assisting in the medical and spiritual care of the saints.